The update limit is two weeks, with one backdated placeholder allowed between posts on the friends page. The placeholder is to make sure we know who is still active, but the public post once a month is to ensure members are interacting. Therefore, you are required to respond to comments. We also ask that you don't disable comments if you are posting on the friends page. This will count the same as you not responding and will result in your role being up for override. Your role will also be considered up for override if your last two updates are not visible so that we can verify you have not posted two consecutive backdated placeholders.

There is no placeholder limit and no length requirement on the posts you make on the friends page. For this reason, we do not grant update extensions.

When you submit your application to the community, please make sure that your friends only post reflects the date which you applied, and that your journal is not marked over two weeks. We also ask that your friends list be cleaned out if you are reusing a journal from a previous community. On Sundays, all journals marked two weeks or more, as well as any journal where we can't tell that an update was made within the last two weeks because of a confusing date or lack of dates on the layout, will be removed from the community. Remember it is your responsibility to keep current.

You can override an existing member for various different reasons.
1. If they have not updated their journal in two weeks.
2. If they have attempt to placehold twice instead of posting on the friends page every other update, as required.
3. If they have not updated their friends list in more than two weeks.
4. If they have not posted an introduction within three days of being added (this includes anyone who was re-added after being removed for inactivity - these members MUST intro as well).
5. If they have posted an introduction but not replied to comments on it in a week.
6. If they have failed to respond to the majority of comments for the last two posts on the friends page they made.
If you are curious whether a member is eligible for override, please drop us a comment. Any attempts to override without one of these reasons will not be allowed, so please don't ask. No matter how you or the mods judge someone's activity level, we have to be fair to everyone.

You may take a hiatus that is between 2 and 6 weeks once every six months. We ask that your hiatus be longer than 2 weeks because putting someone on hiatus means they will not be available to post within the update limit. We limit it to 6 weeks every six months because we want to prevent abuse of the hiatus system. We are not providing a community for members who are on hiatus more than they are active. If you have extenuating circumstances, or if an emergency happens, we are more than willing to work with you, especially if we know you are otherwise active. Please contact us with your needs.

During your hiatus, all public activity is off limits. Please refrain from public posts or comments or changing your icons or layout - anything that suggests the hiatus wasn't really needed. We do not police custom posts, and we understand if you continue to maintain some activity privately. But public activity will result in the hiatus being revoked without notice.

The IC/OOC line must be observed at all times. If you have issues with anyone crossing lines, please present them to us with whatever proof you can. While we do handle situations on a case-by-case basis, please know that members who are clearly guilty of this will be removed and not readmitted. Crossing lines includes selectively removing members from your journal, so don't do it. It also includes linking, discussing, or otherwise bringing into the game former members or portrayals of celebrities who are not in this community.

Plagiarism will also result in removal. We understand quotes and passages are used in updates all the time, but do not pass them off as your own.

Any attempt to troll will not be tolerated. We reserve the right to reject any application we suspect to be malicious, and we will remove anyone who posts harassment of the community or its members on the friends page.